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Descripción del Proyecto

vPICdisasm is a Microchip PIC firmware disassembler that supports the Baseline, Mid-Range, and Mid-Range Enhanced 8-bit PIC cores. This single-pass disassembler can read Intel HEX8 and Motorola S-Record formatted binary files containing valid PIC program binaries. vPICdisasm is capable of a variety of formatting options, including representing data constants in different bases, and can output directly assemble-able code.

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2009-07-21 16:30 Back to release list

Un error crítico en la lectura de archivo de programa se ha fijado para apoyar la longitud impar de bytes para Intel Hex y Motorola registros-S Record. Falso errores de registro no válido causado por saltos de línea en el archivo de programa se fija. Otro error menor se haya fijado, lo que más limpia compilación.
A critical bug in program file reading was fixed to support odd byte lengths for Intel Hex and Motorola S-Record records. False invalid record errors caused by newlines in the program file were fixed. Another minor bug was fixed, leading to cleaner compilation.

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