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Descripción del Proyecto

local-openid allows users with shell accounts on servers to authenticate with OpenID consumers by editing a YAML file in their home directory instead of authenticating through HTTP/HTTPS.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
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2010-06-26 18:11 Back to release list

local OpenID es una aplicación modular de ahora Sinatra. La instalación RubyGems se fijó de modo que el "local-openid" corredor de las obras fuera de la caja. También hay mejoras en la documentación y una nueva lista de correo.
Tags: Stable
local-openid is now a modular Sinatra application. The RubyGems installation was fixed up so that the "local-openid" runner works out-of-the-box. There are also documentation improvements
and a new mailing list.

Project Resources