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Descripción del Proyecto

Linux Bluetooth Remote Control (LBRC) is a remote
control program that allows a Linux computer to be
controlled by a J2ME device via Bluetooth. It is
divided into a server part that runs on the
computer and reacts to input events and a client
part that runs on the J2ME device. The J2ME client
sends the device's keycodes, which are translated
to keystrokes, mouse movements, mouse clicks, or
other input events on the controlled computer.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2008-09-21 17:02 Back to release list

Los errores corregidos en DBUSCaller y CommandExecutor. Algunos se hicieron limpiezas de código. Un módulo se agregó para proporcionar una manera de inyectar clave / eventos de ratón en una sesión X11 (sin la participación del núcleo). El cliente J2ME se construyó más pequeños. Una lista de dispositivos ya conocido se presenta sin la exploración. El dispositivo de búsqueda se hizo más robusta.
Tags: Major bugfixes
Errors were fixed in DBUSCaller and
CommandExecutor. Some code cleanups were done. A
module was added to provide a way to inject
key/mouse events into an X11 session (without
involving the kernel). The J2ME client was built
smaller. A list of already known devices is
presented without scanning. The device search was
made more robust.

Project Resources