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Descripción del Proyecto

J-Bird is a record keeping system for observations of birds. In the parlance of birders, it is bird listing software. It is oriented toward birding trips. Information recorded includes region, trip date, locality, keywords, notes, species observed, and notes on individual species. It can record sightings, produce trip reports,
produce composite lists such as life lists, tally observations by category, and query sightings. Regional checklists can be built, used to record sightings, and be included in trip reports. Sightings can be exported to CSV tables and HTML tables.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-04-06 14:35 Back to release list

De navegación del teclado ha sido mejorado mediante la adición de accesos directos, la mnemotecnia, y teclas que se pueden utilizar para cancelar o cometen la mayoría de los cuadros de diálogo. El instalador de Windows se puede instalar una Java Virtual Machine en las versiones de Windows Vista. Ambos nombres comunes y científicos de las especies se puede consultar al tic-tac de especies, listas de control de edición, y en los informes de viaje. Algunos errores han sido corregidos en todas las plataformas.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Keyboard navigation has been improved by adding
shortcuts, mnemonics, and key strokes that can be
used to cancel or commit most dialogs. The Windows
installer can install a Java Virtual Machine on
non-Vista versions of Windows. Both common and
scientific names of species can be displayed when
ticking species, editing checklists, and in trip
reports. Some bugs have been fixed on all

Project Resources