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Descripción del Proyecto

Fabula is a Python game engine suitable for adventure, role-playing, and strategy games and digital interactive storytelling. It offers a client-server architecture, an event-based protocol, multiplayer and networking capabilities, a multi-threaded server, an abstract, visualization-agnostic model of a game world, an asset manager, and a plugin system. Gameplay can be recorded and played back. The code is well documented and runs on Linux and MS Windows (it should work on OS X, too, but this has not yet been tested). Fabula can be used as a library to develop your own games. As an alternative, you can use the included Pygame-based graphical editor and the default game engine.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-13 11:25 Back to release list

La característica principal de esta versión es la reintroducción de las redes de TCP, que habían sido desactivado en las versiones anteriores. Redes se realiza utilizando sólo los módulos de la biblioteca estándar de Python. Servidor de red es multiproceso, con un hilo nuevo para cada conexión entrante. Los jugadores se pedirá la dirección IP del servidor y el puerto. Se han añadido dos nuevos scripts, que iniciar un servidor habilitado para redes y cliente. PygameUserInterface destaca ahora entidades y botones de mouseover. Ha habido muchas mejoras y correcciones menores y una actualización de la documentación.
The main feature of this release is the re-introduction of TCP networking, which had been disabled in previous releases. Networking is handled using only modules from the Python standard library. Server networking is multithreaded, with a new thread for each incoming connection. Players will be prompted for the server IP and port. Two new scripts have been added, which start a networking-enabled server and client. PygameUserInterface now highlights entities and buttons on mouseover. There have been lots of minor fixes and improvements, and a documentation update.

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