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Descripción del Proyecto

The Simple components for Ada library provides implementations of smart pointers for automatically collected objects (using reference counting), object persistence, unbounded and bounded arrays of smart pointers, generic unbounded arrays of private objects and plain pointers, generic sets, maps, directed graphs, directed weighted graphs, stacks, and storage pools. It also includes table management, string editing, IEEE 754 support, and infix expression parsing tools. Implementations of some lock-free shared data structures are provided.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2012-01-24 08:33

Correcciones menores fueron fijadas en los paquetes Generic_Blackboard y Strings_Edit.Symmetric_Serialization. La biblioteca fue adaptada a los objetivos de 64 bits. Fedora y Debian paquetes se proporcionan para ambas arquitecturas de 32 y 64 bits.
Tags: bug fixing, Packaging
Minor bugfixes were fixed in the packages Generic_Blackboard and Strings_Edit.Symmetric_Serialization. The library was adapted to 64-bit targets. Fedora and Debian packages are provided for both 32- and 64-bit architectures.

2011-10-23 07:08

Se ha agregado el paquete Block_Streams para proporcionar una capa de I/O orientadas a bloques con sumas de comprobación y la secuencia de números en una secuencia. La propia capa es Interface como una secuencia. El paquete Storage_Streams proporciona secuencias de memoria asignados.
Tags: Feature Enhancement
The package Block_Streams has been added to provide a block-oriented I/O layer with checksums and sequence numbers over a stream. The layer itself is interfaced as a stream. The package Storage_Streams provides memory-allocated streams.

2010-11-07 22:40

El procedimiento Has_Dependants en el paquete Persistent.Data_Bank se extendió a contar con todos los tipos de enlaces. Un error fue corregido en el paquete Persistent.Data_Bank para hacerla segura para eliminar los vínculos de retroceso en Eliminar.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The Has_Dependants procedure in the Persistent.Data_Bank package was extended to count all types of links. A bug was fixed in the Persistent.Data_Bank package to make it safe to remove backward links from Delete.

2010-10-31 07:30

El paquete Object.Handle.Generic_Set apoya el uso de objetos en las operaciones de Búsqueda, Is_In, y quitar.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
The Object.Handle.Generic_Set package supports the use of objects in the operations Find, Is_In, and Remove.

2010-07-12 04:58

Empaquetado para Debian y Fedora.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
Packaged for Debian and Fedora.

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