[tomoyo-dev-en 48] Gui Policy Editor for TOMOYO Linux 0.1

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Tetsuo Handa from-****@I-lov*****
Mon Dec 20 10:38:23 JST 2010

( This is a translated post of http://sourceforge.jp/projects/tomoyo/lists/archive/dev/2010-December/001324.html . )

Yoshihiro Kusuno (one of TOMOYO project members who implemented CUI policy
editor's line coloring feature) developed a GUI based policy editor.
He released it as he thinks minimal functionality is implemented.

Project page: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/gpet/
Source code: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/gpet/downloads/50235/gpet-0.1.tar.bz2/
Binary package: http://sourceforge.jp/projects/gpet/downloads/50235/gpet_0.1-1_i386.deb/

This program was tested on Ubuntu 10.10 with TOMOYO Linux 1.8 kernel and
ccs-tools installed. He thinks that this program will work on other
environments as long as GNOME is available (though, not tested).

Usage is almost same with ccs-editpolicy since he implemented UI part using
GTK+ while reusing ccs-editpolicy's file IO part. But there are some
limitations and differences (listed below).

(1) Most of features (except patternize feature) provided for online mode are
(2) Networking mode, auto refresh mode and readonly mode are not implemented.
(3) There are small differences such as sort operation behaves differently
    and only incremental search is supported.
(4) Buttons are not implemented on manager screen and memory usage screen, but
    menu will appear by clicking mouse's right button.

Bug reports and feedback are welcome. But please wait patiently since he might
become very busy from next January.

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