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Descripción del Proyecto

pgasync is an asynchronous, twisted-based PostgreSQL client library which fully conforms to the Python DB API 2.0 specification. It's designed to run quickly and scale well. It provides connection pooling and persistence, database types, and safe conversions.

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2005-01-15 06:20

execute () y exFetch () ahora tomar todas las tipos de argumentos pyformat en lugar de dicts justo. Cerrado conexiones ejecución de la consulta ahora no manejar con más gracia.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
execute() and exFetch() now take all pyformat argument types instead of just dicts. Closed connections now handle failed query execution more gracefully.

2005-01-13 23:04

connection.cursor () ya no es diferida. Con anterioridad a las consultas de conexión están en cola. Toma de conciencia de transacciones se han implementado para evitar COMIENZA innecesarios y reversiones. connection.exFetch fue añadido para mayor comodidad.
Tags: Minor feature enhancements
connection.cursor() is no longer deferred. Pre-connection queries are now queued. Transaction awareness was implemented to avoid unnecessary BEGINs and ROLLBACKs. connection.exFetch was added for convenience.

2005-01-05 19:31

fetchOne () se ha corregido para devolver valores coherentes con el PEP.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
fetchone() was corrected to return values consistent with the PEP.

2005-01-03 19:36

Cadenas y tipos BINARY ahora heredan desde la calle, no types.StringType.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
STRING and BINARY types now inherit from str, not

2005-01-02 04:27

Execute () se fijaron parámetros a ser opcionales, las consultas son ahora blanco-despojado al buscar 'SELECT' para crear un cursor, y docstrings fueron corregidos para reflejar el estilo param nuevo.
Tags: Minor bugfixes
Execute() params were fixed to be optional, queries are now
whitespace-stripped when looking for 'SELECT' to create a
cursor, and docstrings were corrected to reflect the new
param style.

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